Tenisha Noel
Humanities Law and policy


Research 5 Mental health 3 Editing 2 Educational needs assessment 2 Grammar 2 Presentations 2 Project management 2 Project scoping 2 Punctuation and capitalization 2 Research reports 2 Sales 2 Communication 1 Conceptual design 1 Critical thinking 1 Curriculum development 1 Data analysis 1 Educational software 1 E-learning development 1 Innovation 1 Legal discovery 1 Marketing 1 Mentorship 1 New product development 1 Non-disclosure agreement (intellectual property law) 1 Production planning 1 Research and development 1 Research methodologies 1 Resilience 1 Scripting 1 Social justice 1 Storytelling 1 Target audience 1 Teaching 1 Trauma care 1 Usability testing 1 Writing 1


Latest feedback

Stephanie Kahindo
March 24, 2025
Individual endorsement
Presentations Project scoping Research reports Project management Educational needs assessment

We highly recommend Tenisha for her work ethic, creativity, and commitment to excellence. Throughout her time with us, she demonstrated strong communication skills, flexibility, and the ability to deliver high-quality work within deadlines. Her ability to contribute innovative ideas and engage effectively with stakeholders makes her an asset to any team. Tenisha's dedication and professionalism will undoubtedly benefit any organization she joins.

Learner feedback
Tenisha demonstrated strong work efficiency and reliability throughout her internship. She consistently delivered tasks on time and provided valuable insights on enhancing our social media presence. Additionally, she identified promising opportunities, including potential funding sources for our non-profit organization.
Presentations Project scoping Innovation Non-disclosure agreement (intellectual property law) Research reports Conceptual design Educational software Project management Educational needs assessment E-learning development
Advance Ontario
Advance Ontario: January 2025 Cohort
Advance Ontario
Obsidian Leadership Development Centre
Empowering Professionals Through Digital Learning Capsules
Obsidian Leadership Development Centre
Magnify Access
Magnify Access
April 7, 2023
Team feedback
Tenisha did a fantastic job as our first Social Justice Assessor. Of the list of tasks, Tenisha was able to complete a tremendous number of them while producing quality work.
Data analysis Social justice Research
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: Multidisciplinary Projects (2022 - March 2023)
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Magnify Access
Social Justice Assessment
Magnify Access
Robson Maurice
Robson Maurice
March 6, 2024
Team feedback
As always amazing high quality work.
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: September 2023 - March 2024
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Robymisterdrums Enterpise
Course Material Development for Robymisterdrums Enterprise
Robymisterdrums Enterpise

Recent projects

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Google Forms Creation Assistant Black History Month

The primary focus for the student will be: To assist in creating Google forms for Black History Month for our organization.

Matches 1
Category Community engagement + 1
Magnify Access
Magnify Access
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Social Justice Assessment

We are looking for a Social Justice Assessor who will work with our team to advance equity and justice within our organization. The intern will have the opportunity to assess our company which covers our website, products, and services, as well as work on initiatives to create positive change for Magnify Access. Our intention is to ensure our company stands against the following social justice issues: Racism and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and other identity factors Income inequality and lack of access to economic opportunity Inadequate access to education, healthcare, and other necessities The disproportionate impact of environmental harm on marginalized communities Gender inequality and discrimination against women and non-binary individuals Discrimination and mistreatment of people with disabilities. The end result of your internship would be to produce clear guidelines/direction on how to ensure our company has addressed issues related to social justice internally and externally, captured in a document the company can use to remediate these issues.

Matches 3
Category Community engagement + 1
Lotus Addiction Therapy Inc
Lotus Addiction Therapy Inc
Regional Municipality Of Peel, Ontario, Canada

Lotus Addiction Therapy- Sales Specialist

We are looking for a student to help us grow our virtual clientele by sourcing and contacting potential customers. This includes customer research, initial reach outs and following up after meetings. Also involves converting our facebook leads to paying clients! - Sales Lead's Conversions/ Closing Sales Leads/ and reaching out to Detoxes, Insurance Providers, and small businesses - Sales conversions of our Facebook leads to paying customers - Also Expand our services out of canada to US, and Australia ,and UK. Final deliverables — brief final report on how the student achieved new clients,

Matches 3
Category Lead generation + 4
Your Sweet Spot Life
Your Sweet Spot Life
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

Editing a Novel About Love, Loss, and Self-Discovery

The project is to edit a novel called Where The Light Lives is about a young woman named Scarlet Graham who is from Prince Edward Island. She has just finished her teaching program and is going to Alberta to start her first job. She falls in love with the principal Eli Stone of the school she is teaching at. The novel is a the start of a multi-generational series of love, loss, and self-discovery in Kananaskis Country Alberta. This project will involve several different steps for the students, including: Adding additional elements to the novel to help flesh out the story and characters. Editing the novel to ensure it is cohesive and well-written. Checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Reading and understanding the novel. Note: This is not a ghost writing situation you will get full credit as a contributor/ cowriter/editor of the book in the event of it being published.

Matches 1
Category Creative writing