Mobile App Testing for New Well-being Tech Startup

Project scope
Website development Mobile app development Information technology Software developmentSkills
scenario testing planning agile methodology test execution engine user profile product design manual testing browser compatibility mobile application testing test planningDigital Introspection is building a new mobile app, and part of any good product is continual testing. Most manual testing environments consist of two phases, a testing planning phase and a test execution phase.
We would like you to analyze our product and come up with a thorough and applicable test plan for our product (or a section of our product) and then execute those tests as needed.
This will involve:
- Review prototype design and learn about product.
- Creation of a detailed testing plans including user profiles, user stories, desired outcomes, testing side effects such as mobile responsiveness, internationalization, accessibility, browser compatibility, etc.
- Execution of the testing plans at end of weekly agile development delivery sprints.
Bonus steps in the process would also include:
- Attempt to automate some of the tests using software such as point and click simulations or writing your own code to simulate user activity.
By the end of the project, students should complete the following list of activities:
- Familiarize themselves with our product and its requirements
- Familiarize themselves with testing strategies in agile development environment.
- Design and create an overall testing plan including user journeys, outcomes, test scenarios, etc.
- Execute the test plan and present the final results to the product and technology lead
Bonus steps would include:
- Submit any configurations or source code used to automate the tests
Final deliverables should include
- The written test plan and outcomes report
- A presentation as stated above of the report
Students will connect directly with the founder and product lead for mentorship throughout the project. We will be able to provide answers to questions such as:
- Current product understanding and user journeys
- Agile testing approaches and software tools
- Input on choices, problems or anything else the students might encounter
About the company
Digital Introspection (DI) is a new well-being tech start up developing an accessible solution that empowers professional women everywhere to live a fulfilled and balanced life. The product is a personal development and productivity program with an enabling mobile app. Completed as part of a women cohort, a 12-week, self-paced digital playbook guides members to learn about, adapt and adopt best prioritization practices and fundamental body and mind habits.