Social Media Marketing Internship

Project scope
Graphic design Communications Digital marketing Product or service launch Social media marketingSkills
performance reporting social media copywriting product promotion marketing social media campaigns content creation tiktok snapchat social media contentSpeedy Snacks promotes products with online advertising and social media. We are preparing for a rapid expansion across Canada. We are able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for a student or team of students to develop a social media campaign for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, and YouTube.
Students should be prepared to:
- Evaluate current trends in snack food marketing
- Determine best practices for social media and ad campaigns for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, and YouTube.
- Create a design proposal for an overall campaign look & feel
- Write copy
- Create image and video content
- Schedule & post content on the social media platforms
- Evaluate campaign performance
- Report findings on what kind of social media content works and doesn't work for the snack space
- Recommend ways to improve on iterations
Students will create a plan and assets to promote Speedy Snacks and snack products on a variety of social media platforms. They will launch campaigns, measure their performance, and, iterate in order to improve future posts and ads.
In order to achieve the project goals the students will need to:
- Plan a social media campaign strategy & schedule based around the Speedy Snacks brand, the snack products it sells, and cultural & social events.
- Identify best practices for content creation for each social media platform
- Create & post content based on the plan
- Identify ways to improve
- Iterate
We are remote company with team members all over the world who work fast. I make myself available to all team members whenever it works best for them in order to move the project forward with speed and agility. I will be available via slack, google meet, email, or messaging platform of the students choosing to assist with any issues or provide input they made need.
I will schedule a weekly meeting to discuss the project, provide feedback & input, and and help with anything the student requires.
About the company
Speedy Snacks is expanding across Canada. We have developed technology to track advertising, drive sales, and deliver product to consumers helping convenience stores and other small businesses earn additional revenue. We create & deploy social media and ad campaigns to drive sales and partner with independent convenience store operators and third party food delivery apps to fill and deliver orders. We track ad spends, social media campaigns, and product sales to calculate the most profitable products to promote and ad campaigns to run.