Continue the C-CPR Survey at MacEwan U

Project scope
Communications Market research Digital marketingSkills
communication planning cardiopulmonary resuscitation (cpr)As part of our Wild Apricot development project, A team at MacEwan completed an analysis and advised us about a communications plan. We wish to extend the survey work initiated in the original consultation to increase the representative nature of the sample population in the survey.
- Analyze results and demographics from original survey
- Develop plans to survey a greater number of Canadians
- Complete the survey
- Compile and report back the results
But we are motivated volunteers out to achieve a transformational change in how police officers are educated.
We are retired and available to answer questions.
We can connect you with academics who are part of our organization: professors of education, policing, psychology.
- The successful applicant can participate in weekly Operations Committee of C-CPR.
- A specific contact/contacts within C-CPR for regular support on a daily or hourly basis.
- We will be available in a same day response basis to answer questions by email or available for more urgent questions by phone.
About the company
To achieve the creation of a National Centre of Policing Excellence with the support of community representatives, stakeholders, police practitioners, academics, and government officials. Working collaboratively, the Centre develops national standards for the training and education of our police service members
To elevate Canadian Policing to World Class standards by advancing evidence-based training for both police recruits and officers, developing national standards for all entry-level police training, and creating a national certification criterion for police officers